Understand the Laravel Container Concept with Real Life Example
Understand the Laravel Container Concept with Real Life Example and how it's work under the hood.
Understand the Laravel Container Concept with Real Life Example and how it's work under the hood.
Officially filament php use pest for testing purpose. All the example of it's documentation is depends on PEST which might be bit challenging for developers (like me) those are not used to pest. In this post, I will show you how can you write tests for a resources via phpunit.
Today I will show you how can I optimize Laravel Queries and reduce memory uses to making our application faster. I will use laravel sub-query and database raw query to make such kind of improvements.
Handling email bounce and spam rate lower is really hard when you manage email newsletter or sign-up for a laravel application. Recently I faced such a challenge to reduce the bounce and spam rate lower. Believe me, it was not easy! I spend some time to do research and found a work around. Today I will show you how I tackled this. This is a findings for my workaround.
Today I will show you how to test laravel job, email and email content. This must be a fun to confirm the behavior.
I have a laravel code that actually visualize list of the users who are featured in the platform. Unfortunately this code takes 2453 queries to load this data to the admin user. Today, I will show you how to can improve it from there to only 4.
Building laravel dashboard will be one of the difficult tasks. The most challenging job for the dashboard is maintaining low amount of database queries, memory uses and processing time. Today, I will show you how to optimize an existing code that has 2882 number of queries for counting some stats and I will achieve the same result with the 2 queries only.
If you somehow wonder what exactly **serialization** which used at many places in laravel, this this post might help you. In this post, I would like to explain you what exactly it with a real life example. Therefore I assume it will be a easy for you to understand.
Often we write blog post and wish to send email to subscribers automatically right after the publishing the post. This is a really cool feature for laravel blog application. However it might be tricky. In today's blog post, I will show you can build a functionalities to send email to subscribers when you publish a post in laravel 10.
In laravel, writing email newsletter section is not easy. In this tutorial, I will show you how to make newsletter section in laravel 10.
The diffInSeconds() function has millisecond rounding issue. This tiny difference has many significant issue in time consuming application. Today I will show you how to solve it.
In this post, I will show you the step-by-step process and send an email from your Laravel 10 applications.
In this post, I will show you how to upload or deploy a laravel project on cPanel or shared hosting 2023.
The very first question comes in my mind is that, what exactly Data Transfer Object?
I have been using mermaid for a quite long time. Recently I feel interest to integrate mermaid in [Laravel](https://laravel.com), but there is no good tutorial how can you connect Mermaid in your laravel application. Therefore I am planning to write this article.
If you want to know how to protect API with [Laravel Sanctum](https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/sanctum) by following the TDD
If you want to know how to protect API with [Laravel Sanctum](https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/sanctum) by following the TDD
Today I am going to share with you a video where I started refactoring a random Laravel project.
If you are wondering how to activate [Laravel Horizon](https://laravel.com/docs/master/horizon) in [Cloudways](https://www.cloudways.com/), I think these tiny tips will help you. Recently I have faced the issue of how to activate horizon in Cloudways, then I come out with this solution.
The mocking with HTTP response in Laravel might not be easy. Today, I will show you how to mock HTTP response with [Http Fake](https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/mocking).
Imagine that, you have two fields to validate.
I found **9 Rules** for writing comments on code.
For some reason, if you change the model directory in laravel 8, you may face issues with creating the factory. It will show you the following error-
If you are curious to know how to use [VueJS](https://vuejs.org/) via [Laravel Mix](https://laravel-mix.com/) on a non-laravel project, then this tutorial will help you to figure it out. FYI, Laravel Mix supports to use on stand-alone projects.
If you are interested to integrate [PayPal plus](https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/paypal-plus/mexico-brazil/paypal-plus-integration-guide-mexico-brazil/) with Laravel 8, this tutorial will help you a lot. Today, I will guide you on how to integrate PayPal Plus with Laravel. Let's get started.
If you are curious to know how to install horizon and how to use in on Laravel local application, this post may help you figure it out.
I was watching a talk by [Yaz Jallad](https://github.com/ninjaparade) about **I'd Like To Speak To Your Manager** on [Laravel Meetup](https://meetup.laravel.com/). He explained the manager pattern in a sublime way. I really love his explanation.
If you are facing any issue related with Mixed Content of your laravel project, here could one of the possible solution that recently I faced.
If you are facing any issue related with Mixed Content of your laravel project, here could one of the possible solution that recently I faced.
If you wonder how to set timzeone on Laravel based on user's preference, this post may be helpful for you. In this post, I will show you how to change the application timezone based on what user-defined.
If you are curious to define custom helper function in Laravel, this post will guide you the step by step process that how to create your custom helper function in your laravel application. Out of the box, [Laravel](https://laravel.com/docs/master/helpers) provides you with many useful and handle helpers such as `Str::slug()` or `ucfirst()` or lot more. Let's know about the process.
Normally we use `db:seed` in Laravel by faker data. However, today, I will show you how to migrate SQL dump file in Laravel DB Seeder.
The videos of Laracon Online 2020 is open now. If you are interested to watch, feel free to visit the link-
Today, I will show you a code refactoring tricks by using `->when()` to make your code better readable and standard.
Today, I will show you how to make your first component with Laravel Livewire. To do so, you have to make sure that, you have installed livewire on your laravel project.
Today, I will show you how to install laravel livewire. Before that, if you are not familiar with Livewire, here is about what exactly the laravel livewire.
Today, I will show you practically how to install passport with laravel and then integrate on the [Postman](https://www.postman.com/).
Today, I will try to make your life easier who uses laravel and want to implement a virtual host. In this tutorial, I would love to show you a practical introduction to Laravel Valet. Let's deep driving into it.
If you come across from procedural PHP programming, __autoload__ and __namespace__ kind of confusing naming for you. To make it easier, today, I will take a deep dive into understanding autoload and namespace in PHP.
Today I saw a code where the programmer wants to update a laravel model at the same time, he wants to increment a column's value. Today, I will show you the easiest way how to increment column and update Laravel records.
If you faced the issue with laravel tests Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), this post might be helpful for you. Recently I was trying to test something, where I was facing this issue. I will write the code in details with the scenario, hope it will be helpful for you.
In the local development, we see the Laravel error page a lot. Most probably the countless time in every day.
If you ever stuck how to run a specific test in Laravel Dusk instead of all the test, this post might help you. There are probably two ways to run a specific test in Laravel dusk, by the file location and by using `--filter` keyword. Let's dig into it.
Imagine that, you have a __UserFactory__ in laravel project where the email address is `unique`. In general, you can easily add generate an email with faker like this way.
Have you ever put together Laravel Pagination and Chunk, then realize how it works? Are they same or there is a difference between them? If same, then what is the purpose of having two different options for achieving the same work, if not, then what are the fundamental difference between them. In this post, I will talk about it.
Today, I will show you a trick that might help you to depends on query builder less where you can easily implement eager loading.
Suddenly I feel to improve my knowledge about Clean architecture in PHP. As of, I started reading some books, tutorials, and screencasts. There are lots of content around the internet. I plan to write my extractions that I have learned from those sources. Hopefully, it will be helpful for you. Today, I will share in what context clean PHP architecture is suitable for your project.
Laravel has a beautiful `each` method that can help you to process a lot of models. Consider that, you have thousands of models, so, don't load them all into memory, but chunk them. Laravel `each` function will help you to figure out in this issue. Let's see how to use each function in Laravel.
In this tutorial, I will show you how to implement the Open Closed Principle in Laravel for Sign up a user. Here my intention is to apply OCP on Sign up so that you can relate it to your real-life scenario.
Today, I am going to show you how to avoid inline code and logic in PHP.
In this post, we will learn how to implement the Open-Closed Principle in Laravel.
In this series to tutorials, my plan is to take some real-life code and try to refactor the code as much as I can. Today, I will show you how to reduce unnecessary condition from the Laravel Model.
Now, sometimes if you need to check whether the model has loaded the eager loading or not, then you need to check with `relationLoaded()`. Here is how you check this-
Today, I will show you how to do Login PHP UnitTest with Laravel. This article will cover the login testing part only.
Writing your first PHP Unit Test | Learning PHPUnit - Part 2
Learning PHPUnit | Part 1
Apply The Open Closed Principle in Laravel | Part 1
How to use dump() on Laravel Collection
Laravel Tumblr API Integration
How to add new columns to the existing table in Laravel migration
Laravel migrate failed to open stream - No such file or directory
How to get all commit list of Github repo
Laravel Class env does not exist
How do we rewrite Sclrship?
Laravel use PUT or PATCH in Postman
How to add extra values in Laravel Request
How to use Slug in Laravel Factory
Building a delighted RESTful API with Laravel
An Introduction to Laravel Policy
Deep Diving into Laravel Sub-query
The Standard Approach to Validate Laravel Form Request
How to use Laravel Transform
Laravel Testing Laravel Testing Starting with Laravel feature Testing
How to upload laravel project in cPanel
Laravel PHP artisan Route List command
Let's do Laravel code refactoring
Laravel delete files from Public Folder
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