
Optimize Laravel Queries & Reduce Memory Usage for Faster Performance

Hello everyone

Today I will show you how can I optimize Laravel Queries and reduce memory uses to making an application faster. I will use laravel sub-query and database raw query to make such kind of improvements.

#At a Glance

Here is the stats of current implementations:

| Title | Resource Uses | | --------------------- | --------------- | | Total Queries | 113 | | Total Model hydration | 37475 | | Total Memory uses | 78 MB | | Processing Time | ~12 Seconds |

Here is the report from debugbar package:

Debugbar report before optimization

Honestly it's not an optimize way to write code!

#Current Implementation

Here I would love to show you the current implementation.

Code in the Controller.

public function index()
    $messages = Message::with('conversations', 'conversations.userone', 'conversations.usertwo', 'user.messages')

    $messagesToAdminAccounts = DB::table('users')
        ->join('messages', '', '=', 'messages.user_id')
        ->join('conversations', function ($joinagain) {
            $joinagain->on('', '=', 'conversations.user_one')->orOn('', '=', 'conversations.user_two');
        ->where('users.createdby', '=', 'admin')
        ->select('users.*', 'messages.message', 'messages.is_seen', 'messages.isflagged', 'messages.deleted_from_sender', 'messages.deleted_from_receiver', 'messages.user_id', 'messages.conversation_id', 'conversations.user_one', 'conversations.user_two', 'conversations.status', 'conversations.ispotentialuser')

    $potentialMessages  = DB::table('messages')
        ->join('conversations', 'messages.conversation_id', '=', '')
        ->where('conversations.ispotentialuser', '=', 1)

    $flagedMessages  = DB::table('messages')
        ->join('conversations', 'messages.conversation_id', '=', '')
        ->where('messages.isflagged', 1)

    $totalmessages = Message::with('Conversations', 'User')->get()->count();

    return view('all-messages')
          'messages' => $messages, 
          'messagestoadminaccounts' => $messagesToAdminAccounts, 
          'potentialmessages' => $potentialMessages, 
          'flagedmessages' => $flagedMessages, 
          'totalmessages' => $totalmessages

Here is the code for all-messages.blade.php file. I like to show you the @foreach so that you can understand the code better.

@foreach($messages as $message)
        <td class="whitespace-nowrap py-4 pl-4 pr-3 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 sm:pl-6">
            {{ $message->conversations->userone->fullname }}
        <td class="whitespace-nowrap py-4 pl-4 pr-3 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 sm:pl-6">
            {{ $message->conversations->usertwo->fullname }}
        <td class="whitespace-nowrap px-3 py-4 text-sm text-gray-500">
            {{ $message->user->messages->count() }}
        <td class="whitespace-nowrap px-3 py-4 text-sm text-gray-800">
            <div class="">
                {{ $message->user->messages()->orderByDesc('created_at')->first()->created_at->format('d F Y') }}
            <span class="text-sm text-gray-400">
                {{ Str::limit($message->user->messages()->orderByDesc('created_at')->first()->message,50) }}

#My Observation

I found following issues with the current implementation:

  • Memory leaking issue: They use ...get()->count() which actually load all records on memory.
  • Unnecessary join tables: This joining might be over uses, we may not need them. Such approaches used in few places.
      ->join('conversations', 'messages.conversation_id', '=', '')
  • Unnecessary Code: We can achieve some result without writing extra code. This might be overkill.
    Message::with('Conversations', 'User')->get()->count();
  • Write query on blade file: It's not a write approach to write query on the blade file. I can see here:
    // Counting
    {{ $message->user->messages->count() }}
    // Re-query
    {{ $message->user->messages()->orderByDesc('created_at')->first()->created_at->format('d F Y') }}
    {{ Str::limit($message->user->messages()->orderByDesc('created_at')->first()->message,50) }}

#How to improve this code?

Here is my plan:

Merge similar types of queries:
I want to merge following queries into one query because they are almost similar:

$potentialMessages  = DB::table('messages')
    ->join('conversations', 'messages.conversation_id', '=', '')
    ->where('conversations.ispotentialuser', '=', 1)

$flagedMessages  = DB::table('messages')
    ->join('conversations', 'messages.conversation_id', '=', '')
    ->where('messages.isflagged', 1)

$totalmessages = Message::with('Conversations', 'User')->get()->count();

Use Sub Query instead of writing query on the blade file
Honestly it's not a good practice to write query on the blade (template) file. The MVC pattern strictly discourage developer to follow this.

So, I would like to use subquery in the controller to achieve following parts:

{{ $message->user->messages()->orderByDesc('created_at')->first()->created_at->format('d F Y') }}

{{ Str::limit($message->user->messages()->orderByDesc('created_at')->first()->message,50) }}

#Optimize Code

Here is my plan how to optimize this smelly code:

#Get all messages with sub-query

$conversations = Conversation::query()
    ->with('userone', 'usertwo')
        'last_message_date' => Message::select('created_at')
            ->whereColumn('conversation_id', '')
        'last_message' => Message::select('message')
            ->whereColumn('conversation_id', '')
        'last_message_date' => 'datetime'

ℹī¸ BTW, I use withCasts() on fly because last_message_date column is not actual column therefore I cannot use with cast on the model side directory. If we don't cast this, I am not able to use Carbon functionalities on the blade.

Instead of counting the total messages on the blade page, I use withCount('messages') has many relationship on the controller side so that I can use it in the blade easily.

#Optimize Similar Types of Code

As I mentioned, there are some similar types of queries, here is my suggestion to merge into one query:

  ->join('conversations', 'messages.conversation_id', '=', '')
      count('id') as totalMessages,
      SUM(CASE WHEN isflagged = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as flaggedMessages,
      SUM(CASE WHEN conversations.ispotentialuser = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as potentialMessages

Here I use CASE WHEN {SOME_CONDITION} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END statement to calculate similar types of queries by one query. Check more and if you are a visual learner, then check here

#Remove query on the blade file

Since I use sub query, I write blade file like this:

<td class="whitespace-nowrap px-3 py-4 text-sm text-gray-500">
    {{ $conversation->messages_count }}
<td class="whitespace-nowrap px-3 py-4 text-sm text-gray-800">
    <div class="">
        {{ $conversation->last_message_date->format('d F Y') }}
    <span class="text-sm text-gray-400">
        {{ Str::limit($conversation->last_message, 50) }}

#Full Optimized Code

I put the full optimized code in the collapsible tab.

Code for the controller:

public function refactor()
    $conversations = Conversation::query()
        ->with('userone', 'usertwo')
            'last_message_date' => Message::select('created_at')
                ->whereColumn('conversation_id', '')
            'last_message' => Message::select('message')
                ->whereColumn('conversation_id', '')
            'last_message_date' => 'datetime'

    $messageToAdminAccounts = Conversation::query()
        ->whereHas('userone', function ($userOne) {
            $userOne->where('createdby', 'admin');
        ->orWhereHas('usertwo', function ($userOne) {
            $userOne->where('createdby', 'admin');

    $message = Message::query()
        ->join('conversations', 'messages.conversation_id', '=', '')
                count('id') as totalMessages,
                SUM(CASE WHEN isflagged = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as flaggedMessages,
                SUM(CASE WHEN conversations.ispotentialuser = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as potentialMessages

    return view('refactor')
            'conversations' => $conversations,
            'messageToAdminAccounts' => $messageToAdminAccounts,
            'totalMessages' => $message->totalMessages,
            'flaggedMessages' => $message->flaggedMessages,
            'potentialMessages' => $message->potentialMessages,

Code for the blade view:

@foreach($conversations as $conversation)
      <td class="whitespace-nowrap py-4 pl-4 pr-3 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 sm:pl-6">
          {{ $conversation->userone->fullname }}
      <td class="whitespace-nowrap py-4 pl-4 pr-3 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 sm:pl-6">
          {{ $conversation->usertwo->fullname }}
      <td class="whitespace-nowrap px-3 py-4 text-sm text-gray-500">
          {{ $conversation->messages_count }}
      <td class="whitespace-nowrap px-3 py-4 text-sm text-gray-800">
          <div class="">
              {{ $conversation->last_message_date->format('d F Y') }}
          <span class="text-sm text-gray-400">
              {{ Str::limit($conversation->last_message, 50) }}

This optimization actually improved the query to this level:

Here is the stats of current implementations: | Title | Resource Uses | | ----------------------- | ---------------- | | Total number of queries | 6 | | Total Model hydration | 46 | | Total Memory uses | 2 MB | | Processing Time | 1.28 Seconds |

Here is the evidence from debugbar:

Debugbar report after optimization


If you are a visual learner, you can go with this video that covers exactly step by step process how can I improve this code:

#Full Code

Here is the full code that you can get it from the GITHUB

#What Next?

Still there is a roam to make it improve. One approach I can feel by indexing the database column.

Hope it will help you.

Thanks for reading.