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How to enable mermaid or html directive with marp in VS code

If you are using marp in vscode, and you have issue to render with mermaid js, or if you want to use html directive in your slide, then this tips might be helpful for you.

How to enable key repeats on your Mac

If you want to enable key repeats on your Mac, follow the steps down below-

How to set fish as default on MacOS

If you are curious to know exactly how to set the [fish]( as a default terminal behaviour on your Mac, here is the simple command that you can use.

How to get PayPal Access Token with cURL?

Hey, if you are curious to know how to get PayPal access token with cURL, then this post might be helpful for you.

Pass query string in Laravel Pagination globally

If you often need to pass query string in laravel imagination, I believe passing query string globally will be the best choice instead of passing in every method. Here is how you can pass query string globally.

Laravel where() and orWhere() condition together for one column

If you are in a situation where you need to use Laravel `where()` and `orWhere()` condition together for one column, this tip might be helpful for you. Let's dig into a real life scenario.

How to add Access-Control-Allow-Origin header response in Laravel

There are few ways to add `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` in header response in Laravel globally. However, I will show you the easiest way to add CORS that I have discovered recently.

Handle Laravel Cors via Middleware

If you want to handle Laravel Cors via middleware, here is the way to do that-

Why ActingAs Not working in Laravel API Testing

You may come across this post because of your `actingAs()` is not working with Laravel API Testing. I discovered the error of why it was happening with me also.

Fix allowed memory size exhausted in Laravel or Lumen

If you suddenly face PHP Fatal error - Allowed memory size of bytes exhausted (tried to allocate bytes) in Lumen or Laravel, there are few ways to solve this issue.