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How to increase key-repeat speed for Mac

If you want to know how to protect API with [Laravel Sanctum]( by following the TDD

Laravel scout whereNotNull is not working

If you want to know how to protect API with [Laravel Sanctum]( by following the TDD

Protecting API with Laravel Sanctum in TDD Approach

If you want to know how to protect API with [Laravel Sanctum]( by following the TDD

Refactoring Laravel Project | Part 1

Today I am going to share with you a video where I started refactoring a random Laravel project.

Re - Understanding People | Misunderstandings, effective communication, and self-reflection

I would love to share with you one interesting article written by [Jose Maria Valera Reales]( I cannot stop myself to share this wonderful post. It's small and preciously discussed the topic.

My Development Setup

I have to depend on some eco-system, software, package, and helpers to work on day to day basis.

How to activate Laravel Horizon on Cloudways

If you are wondering how to activate [Laravel Horizon]( in [Cloudways](, I think these tiny tips will help you. Recently I have faced the issue of how to activate horizon in Cloudways, then I come out with this solution.

How to Mock Http Response in Laravel

The mocking with HTTP response in Laravel might not be easy. Today, I will show you how to mock HTTP response with [Http Fake](

Laravel Complex Conditional Validator

Imagine that, you have two fields to validate.

Deep Dive into get() method in Laravel Collection

I found **9 Rules** for writing comments on code.