My Development Setup
Hi 👋🏻
I have to depend on some eco-system, software, package, and helpers to work on day to day basis. Here is my list of items that I mostly use every single day.
Table of Contents
I am heavily relying on the following combination.
- VS Code
- Vim
- Better Comments
- Better PHPUnit
- Code Spell Checker
- Docker
- DotEnv
- GitLens
- Go To Method
- Indent Rainbow
- Markdown Preview Mermaid Support
- PHP Intelephense
- PHP Namespace Resolver
- Prettier - Code Formatter
- Rainbow Brackets
- Rainbow CSV
- Table Formatter
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
- Text Manipulator
These are the package that I use for most of the development.
- Larastan
- Ide Helper ; mostly depends on Larastan.
In my day to day basis job, I mostly use Kitty Terminal
I use some software for making my life easier.