VS Code VIM daily practice

VS Code VIM daily practice

Posted on:May 17, 2021 at 10:00 AM


I practice these Key binding in my day-to-day basis work with VIM and VS Code.

Switching Tabs

CommandKeyboard Shortcuts
Switch to Tab 1command + 1
Switch to Tab 2command + 2
Switch to Tab Ncommand + n


CommandKeyboard Shortcuts
Insert something end of lineA
Insert something in after current cursor possiona
Insert something start of lineI
Insert something in before current cursor possioni

Copy, Paste and Delete

CommandKeyboard Shortcuts
Delete a whole linedd
Delete a whole lineD
Delete a single characterx
Delete end of the line from CursorD
Delete end of the line from Cursord + $
Delete until beginning of the line from Cursord + ^
Delete until beginning of the line from Cursord + 0
Copy Current wordyiw
Copy everything inside quoteyi' (e.g. call('something-to-copy-whole'))

Highlight / Select

Sometimes, you may need to highlight or make it non-highlightable.

CommandKeyboard Shortcuts
No Highlight until next search:noh
Turn off highlight completelyset nohlsearch

Text Manipulating

CommandKeyboard Shortcuts
Make selected word UPPERCASEU
Make selected word lowercaseu

Finding / Searching

CommandKeyboard Shortcuts
Bring cursor to the $ from the beginning of the line e.g. ,,LEIREC_SUCCESSOR,entity.successor.lang,$.entity.successor[].lang*f + $
Bring back the cursor to the $ from the end of the line e.g. ,,LEIREC_SUCCESSOR,entity.successor.lang,$.entity.successor[].lang**F + $


CommandKeyboard Shortcuts
Go to Definitiongd
Go to Helpgh
Bring current line into horizontally center of your editorzz

External Resources: